The P.I.T. of Ladispoli and Cerveteri enhanced with the new organization of the health home
Regarding to the recent concerns raised by the Circles of the Democratic Party of Cerveteri and Ladispoli on the fates of the First Aid Post of the PIT of Ladispoli, it is specified that within the framework of the Strategic Plan of the Asl Roma F 2014-2016, the presence of the First Aid Post (PPI) of Ladispoli has been included among the additional modules, not as optional/eventual but only in compliance with the nomenclature of the latest Guidelines on the Health House adopted by the Lazio region.
And in fact, the Strategic management of the company’s, in recognizing its value in the context of Territorial Urgency and operational quality, has provided for its maintenance H24 for 7 days out of 7 and organizational optimization within the House of Health, strategically intended as a central hub also for health requests in urgency of the territory of District F2.
In this perspective also arises the having placed within the HEALTH HOUSE the Continuity of Care (C.A. – former Medical Guard) that will operate in synergy with the PPI.
In this way, not only is it not intended to “lower the level of care for the population” but, on the contrary, to improve it and better qualify it, expanding the range of services, diagnostic possibilities and management of chronic diseases, but not only, in the territorial.
- the Posto di Primo Intervento (PPI) of Ladispoli is not transformed into a Casa della Salute (CDS) but becomes in its own right a characterizing element and an active part of it;
- the Presidio Integrato Territoriale (PIT) of Ladispoli refers to the entire structure of Ladispoli, including P.P.I., Outpatient Clinic, Continuity of Care; it is this structure, as a whole, that will constitute the House of Health, functionally dependent on the District F2, with 7/7 gg operations in H 24 ;
- this configuration is foreseen in the Implementation Plan of the Health Home that will be presented shortly to the Lazio Region;
- an upgrade is envisaged with regard to equipment and technologies for the Health House and the services included in it, in particular for the PPI, including a system for the rapid diagnosis of the main and most widespread cardiac, respiratory and metabolic diseases;
- the skills of the operating staff, both medical and nursing, in the field of Urgencies will be further expanded through training events carried out with the contribution of the Lazio Region and ARES 118; regarding the increase in users during the summer period, as in previous years, the tourist guard will be activated in order to avoid criticality, ensure continuity of care even for non-residents and not overload the services stably present (C.A. and P.P.I.).
In addition, within the Health House , diseases with a wider territorial spread will be able to be managed both through the implementation of Diagnostic Therapeutic Care Pathways
(PDTA) than through the establishment of inpatient nursing care.
PDTAs represent the new mode of chronic disease management envisioned by the National and Regional Health Plan that involves all health (starting with the General Practitioner) and social professionals.
With regard to inpatient nursing care, 5 beds will be activated both to provide an alternative 24-hour care and assistance to patients with chronic-degenerative diseases (in particular conditions not appropriate for hospitalization but limiting home care), and to reduce the length of hospital stay through health monitoring in a protected environment, Both to reduce definitive admissions to residential facilities related to the onset of family, social or home management difficulties in the course of chronic disease.
In the nursing stay, medical care will be assigned to the patient’s general practitioner and will be managed with a care plan agreed upon with the District Home Care center.