Enriqueburgos Blog Alzheimer’s screening talks on Saturday April 22 at the Ministry of Health

Alzheimer’s screening talks on Saturday April 22 at the Ministry of Health

Alzheimer’s disease: screening talks on Saturday, April 22 at the Ministry of Health

The Associazione Amici Alzheimer ONLUS will be present on April 22 at the Women’s Health Day to be held in Rome at the Ministry’s headquarters on Viale G.Ribotta, 5 Rome-Eur.

In the space reserved for the IGEA Foundation, free informative and screening interviews will be conducted about the disease and more; Alzheimer’s at the current state of medicine is a disease that has no possibility of cure, but it can be fought and countered with prevention, as recommended by health ministers at the International Summit on Dementia held in London in 2014, which is why, on the occasion of Women’s Health Day, at the IGEA Foundation gazebo the Train the Brain protocol developed at the National Research Council to fight and slow Alzheimer’s will be illustrated.

The problem of Alzheimer’s, involves 47 million sufferers worldwide, a planetary epidemic, and this is precisely what will be discussed at the G7 meeting to be held in Italy in May. At the Summit of Heads of State and Government, the Scientific Academies of the world’s leading countries will present a report on “Aging society: neurological epidemics,” in which neurodegenerative diseases, are called a global epidemic due to their alarming growth. An aging population, unhealthy lifestyles, pollution, and stress are among the factors that are driving up dementias, among which Alzheimer’s accounts for about 70 percent. Italy, with 1.2 million sufferers, is a country particularly at risk, having one of the oldest populations in the world.

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