Anagni, meeting between municipality and health professionals
A meeting was held yesterday afternoon, Wednesday, June 15, 2016, at the City Hall of Anagni between health care associations, labor unions, Dr. Massimo Natalia coordinator of the Anagni Health Presidium and Dr. Fabio Roiati, city councilor with responsibility for health policies.
The meeting was necessary for an update to the associations on what was discussed and planned at the meeting of mayors that took place in Piglio last June 7.
Dr. Roiati traced the troubled path of Anagni Hospital since Commissioner Decree 80/2010 determined its closure, a decision challenged by the then Regional Inspectors, pointing out to them that the citizens of the area would have no alternative because the two neighboring hospitals, Colleferro and Frosinone, were insufficient to offer adequate health care responses to the territory.
However, the hospital was closed in November 2012, despite an appeal to the Tar by a citizens’ group and a favorable ruling by the Council of State.
In October 2013, Dr. Roiati met at the Lazio Region with representatives of the Cabina di Regia Sanità and proposed a model of a hospital by intensity of care based on an emergency room, similar to what is required today, but he was asked to present a project that would optimize the work of the staff present and the services still in operation, this because of the Region’s economic recovery plan that would not have allowed economic investments at that time with a hiring freeze in a commissarial entity.
On Aug. 06, 2014, at the meeting between the mayors of the territory and the health director’s cabin, which took place at the Lazio region, Roiati presented a project drafted with other medical colleagues, which was then incorporated and included in the corporate act of the Asl. in this way it was possible to begin to bring back within the garrison a worthy health offer, from which to start again to make it a reference for the entire northern area of the province.
At the meeting in Piglio, it was pointed out to the mayors that the economic conditions of the Lazio Region have changed and that “there is a return to investing in health care starting with the most critical areas” as repeatedly asserted by the Region.
Hospitals such as Monterotondo, Subiaco and Acquapendente, facilities not closed like the hospital in Anagni, but subject to closure and/or significant downsizing according to what was established at the time by Dca 80/2010, receive regional funding in 2016 for an improvement in health care offerings to citizens.
Therefore, a single document will now be drafted by all the City Councils of the centers that refer to the Anagni garrison in which they call for the legal recognition of the facility as a hospital garrison of an area inconvenienced by economic-social-health and environmental crisis (area included in the Sin), with specific organizational characteristics that would allow the reopening of an emergency room.
A number of suggestions from associations to be included within the council resolution were incorporated.
As already structured and with targeted investments, the Anagni Presidium can accommodate: medical department with its own staff of doctors and nurses, multifunctional surgical area for day surgery and Apa (ambulatory surgery), diagnostic imaging (Radiology) with telemedicine service, emergency analysis laboratory, simple operating unit of anesthesia, emergency room manned by a medical staff dedicated to emergency – urgency. This reorganization, illustrated by Dr. Roiati, was unanimously shared by the associations present at yesterday’s meeting.